June 20, 2011  |  Performances

Last Friday, Third Wheel was invited to perform at a wonderful event in Redondo Beach. (No, it wasn’t on the sand next to the crashing waves, but it was still lovely!)

Adrienne, Cameron and Karin after a performance in Redondo Beach

The event was the Concert for the Arts, put on by the Friends of Redondo Beach Arts.  And what friends they are!  In a unique twist, the audience was seated onstage and the entire setup was reversed — the performers faced the back wall, and the audience faced out into the beautiful, empty theater of the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center.  We had the honor of sharing the program with several other fantastic artists, including poets and a very young pianist. There was artwork displayed in the lobby, and the Friends hosted a reception after the show. For us as performers, that’s usually our favorite part! Not just because we are almost always hungry and thirsty after a performance, but also because it is such a great chance to be able to meet members of the audience just like you. We love finding out what was their favorite piece, hearing about their love for music, and just making a connection.

Cameron Domingues was our bassoonist for the evening, and she did a great job.  Karin and I have known Cameron for a number of years, and we were glad to get a chance to play with her. You can meet Cameron and find out a little more about her in this fun backstage interview:

Thanks to everyone at the Friends of Redondo Beach Arts for asking us to be part of this evening, we really did have a blast! You are such gracious hosts and truly assembled a great program. Our favorite of the night was the Brazilian group Samba Society, and while all members of the group were incredibly talented and energetic, this percussionist that you see here was just the most fun to watch. This is why we play music — it makes us feel good, it makes us happy, and it makes us want to DANCE!